Piano Tuning & Servicing
Piano Tuning & Servicing
Piano Tuning & Servicing

Piano Tuning & Servicing
Our services range from regular two-hour tunings to full-day piano servicing. Working at
the highest professional standard, we can cater to any piano condition.
Ideally, privately owned pianos should be tuned twice a year. If they are well maintained,
tuning them is a straightforward job that should take around two hours.
This includes fine
action regulation and hammer voicing.
However, if a piano has gone for a long time without being tuned, or has recently been
moved, then a half-day service is recommended, with a follow-up visit within three months.

Piano Tuning
Ideally, privately owned pianos should be tuned twice a year. If they are well maintained then tuning them is a straightforward and routine job that should take around two hours, this includes fine action regulation and hammar voicing.
However, if a piano has gone for a long time without being tuned, or has recently been moved, then a half-day service is recommended, with a follow-up visit within three months.

We also offer tuning services for:
- Studio recordings
- Concerts
- Recital halls
- Theatres and more...
To discuss our tuning services, or to request a tuning, please contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you!
The half-day service comprises of:
- Pitch adjustment
- Action regulation
- Any minor repairs
- Cleaning the action
- Removing keys to polish key pins
- Checking keyframe material for
moth damage
- Fine tuning the piano.